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7. Settings

The Settings page in SolarNode Setup is where you can configure all available SolarNode settings. The page is divided 4 main sections, outlined next.

7.1 Components

The Components section lists all the configurable multi-instance components available on your SolarNode. Multi-instance means you can configure any number of a given component, each with their own settings.

For example imagine you want to collect data from a power meter, solar inverter, and weather station, all of which use the Modbus protocol. To do that you would configure three instances of the Modbus Device component, one for each device.

Use the Manage button for any listed compoennt to add or remove instances of that component.

An instance count badge appears next to any component with at least one instance configured.

Settings components list

7.2 Settings

Other configurable services that are not Components appear in the Settings section.

Each setting will include a button that will show you a brief description of that setting.

Setting tool tips have helpful information

After making any change, an Active value label will appear, showing the currently active value for that setting.

Modified settings show the previous value

In order to save your changes, you must click the Save All Changes button. You may need to scroll the page to find it!

Save all changes button

7.3 Backup & Restore

The Backup & Restore section lets you manage SolarNode backups. Each backup contains a snapshot of the settings you have configured, the node's certificate, and custom plugins.

Backup and restore form

7.3.1 File System Backup Service

The File System Backup Service is the default Backup Service provided by SolarNode. It saves the backup onto the node itself. In order to be able to restore your settings if the node is damaged or lost, you must download a copy of a backup using the Download button, and save the file to a safe place.


If you do not download a copy of a backup, you run the risk of losing your settings and node certificate, making it impossible to restore the node in the event of a catastrophic hardware failure.

The configurable settings of the File System Backup Service are:

Setting Description
Backup Directory The folder (on the node) where the backups will be saved.
Copies The number of backup copies to keep, before deleting the oldest backup.

7.3.2 S3 Backup Service

The S3 Backup Service creates cloud-based backups in AWS S3 (or any compatible provider). You must configure the credentials and S3 location details to use before any backups can be created.

S3 Backup settings form


The S3 Backup Service requires the S3 Backup Service Plugin.

The configurable settings of the S3 Backup Service are:

Setting Description
AWS Token The AWS access token to authenticate with.
AWS Secret The AWS access token secret to authenticate with.
AWS Region The name of the Amazon region to use, for example us-west-2.
S3 Bucket The name of the S3 bucket to use.
S3 Path An optional root path to use for all backup data (typically a folder location).
Storage Class A supported storage class, such as STANDARD (the default), STANDARD_IA, INTELLIGENT_TIERING, REDUCED_REDUNDANCY, and so on.
Copies The number of backup copies to keep, before deleting the oldest backup.
Cache Seconds The amount of time to cache backup metadata such as the list of available backups, in seconds.

7.4 Settings Backup & Restore

The Settings Backup & Restore section provides a way to manage Settings Files and Settings Resources, both of which are backups for the configured settings in SolarNode.


Settings Files and Settings Resources do not include the node's certificate or custom plugins. See the Backup & Restore section for managing "full" backups that do include those items.

Settings import/export form

The Export button allows you to download a Settings File with the currently active configuration.

The Import button allows you to upload a previously-downloaded Settings File.

The Settings Resource menu and associated Export to file button allow you to download specialized settings files, offered by some components in SolarNode.

The Auto backups area will have a list of buttons, each of which will let you download a Settings File that SolarNode automatically created. Each button shows you the date the settings backup was created.