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59. Setting Resource Handler

The net.solarnetwork.node.settings.SettingResourceHandler API defines a way for a component to import and export files uploaded to SolarNode from external sources.

A component could support importing a file using the File setting. This could be used, to provide a way of configuring the component from a configuration file, like CSV, JSON, XML, and so on. Similarly a component could support exporting a file, to generate a configuration file in another format like CSV, JSON, XML, and so on, from its current settings. For example, the Modbus Device Datum Source does exactly these things: importing and exporting a custom CSV file to make configuring the component easier.

59.1 Importing

The main part of the SettingResourceHandler API for importing files looks like this:

public interface SettingResourceHandler {

     * Get a unique, application-wide setting ID.
     * <p>
     * This ID must be unique across all setting resource handlers registered
     * within the system. Generally the implementation will also be a
     * {@link net.solarnetwork.settings.SettingSpecifierProvider} for the same
     * ID.
     * </p>
     * @return unique ID
    String getSettingUid();

     * Apply settings for a specific key from a resource.
     * @param settingKey
     *        the setting key, generally a
     *        {@link net.solarnetwork.settings.KeyedSettingSpecifier#getKey()}
     *        value
     * @param resources
     *        the resources with the settings to apply
     * @return any setting values that should be persisted as a result of
     *         applying the given resources (never {@literal null}
     * @throws IOException
     *         if any IO error occurs
    SettingsUpdates applySettingResources(String settingKey, Iterable<Resource> resources)
            throws IOException;

The getSettingUid() method overlaps with the Settings Provider API, and as the comments note it is typical for a Settings Provider that publishes settings like File or Text Area to also implement SettingResourceHandler.

The settingKey passed to the applySettingResources() method identifies the resource(s) being uploaded, as a single Setting Resource Handler might support multiple resources. For example a Settings Provider might publish multiple File settings, or File and Text Area settings. The settingKey is used to differentiate between each one.

59.1.1 Importing example

Imagine a component that publishes a File setting. A typical implementation of that component would look like this (this example omits some methods for brevity):

public class MyComponent implements SettingSpecifierProvider,
        SettingResourceHandler {

    private static final Logger log
            = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyComponent.class);

    /** The resource key to identify the File setting resource. */
    public static final String RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT = "document";

    public String getSettingUid() {
        return "com.example.mycomponent";
    public List<SettingSpecifier> getSettingSpecifiers() {
        List<SettingSpecifier> results = new ArrayList<>();

        // publish a File setting tied to the RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT key,
        // allowing only text files to be accepted
        results.add(new BasicFileSettingSpecifier(RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT, null,
                new LinkedHashSet<>(asList(".txt", "text/*")), false));

        return results;

    public SettingsUpdates applySettingResources(String settingKey,
            Iterable<Resource> resources) throws IOException {
        if ( resources == null ) {
            return null;
        if ( RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT.equals(settingKey) ) {
            for ( Resource r : resources ) {
                // here we would do something useful with the resource... like
                // read into a string and log it
                String s = FileCopyUtils.copyToString(new InputStreamReader(
                        r.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

      "Got {} resource content: {}", settingKey, s);

                break; // only accept one file
        return null;


59.2 Exporting

The part of the Setting Resource Handler API that supports exporting setting resources looks like this:

     * Get a list of supported setting keys for the
     * {@link #currentSettingResources(String)} method.
     * @return the set of supported keys
    default Collection<String> supportedCurrentResourceSettingKeys() {
        return Collections.emptyList();

     * Get the current setting resources for a specific key.
     * @param settingKey
     *        the setting key, generally a
     *        {@link net.solarnetwork.settings.KeyedSettingSpecifier#getKey()}
     *        value
     * @return the resources, never {@literal null}
    Iterable<Resource> currentSettingResources(String settingKey);

The supportedCurrentResourceSettingKeys() method returns a set of resource keys the component supports for exporting. The currentSettingResources() method returns the resources to export for a given key.

The SolarNode GUI shows a form menu with all the available resources for all components that support the SettingResourceHandler API, and lets the user to download them:

Resource export UI in SolarNode

59.2.1 Exporting example

Here is an example of a component that supports exporting a CSV file resource based on the component's current configuration:

public class MyComponent implements SettingSpecifierProvider,
        SettingResourceHandler {

    /** The setting resource key for a CSV configuration file. */
    public static final String RESOURCE_KEY_CSV_CONFIG = "csvConfig";

    private int max = 1;
    private boolean enabled = true;

    public Collection<String> supportedCurrentResourceSettingKeys() {
        return Collections.singletonList(RESOURCE_KEY_CSV_CONFIG);

    public Iterable<Resource> currentSettingResources(String settingKey) {
        if ( !RESOURCE_KEY_CSV_CONFIG.equals(settingKey) ) {
            return null;

        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();

        return Collections.singleton(new ByteArrayResource(
                buf.toString().getBytes(UTF_8), "My Component CSV Config") {

                    public String getFilename() {
                        return "my-component-config.csv";
