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21. Downsample Datum Filter

The Downsample Datum Filter provides a way to down-sample higher-frequency datum samples into lower-frequency (averaged) datum samples. The filter will collect a configurable number of samples and then generate a down-sampled sample where an average of each collected instantaneous property is included. In addition minimum and maximum values of each averaged property are added.

This filter is provided by the Standard Datum Filters plugin.

21.1 Settings

Downsample filter component settings

Setting Description
Service Name A unique ID for the filter, to be referenced by other components.
Service Group An optional service group name to assign.
Source ID A case-insensitive pattern to match the input source ID(s) to filter. If omitted then datum for all source ID values will be filtered, otherwise only datum with matching source ID values will be filtered.
Required Mode If configured, an operational mode that must be active for this filter to be applied.
Required Tag Only apply the filter on datum with the given tag. A tag may be prefixed with ! to invert the logic so that the filter only applies to datum without the given tag. Multiple tags can be defined using a , delimiter, in which case at least one of the configured tags must match to apply the filter.
Sample Count The number of samples to average over.
Decimal Scale A maximum number of digits after the decimal point to round to. Set to0 to round to whole numbers.
Property Excludes A list of property names to exclude.
Min Property Template A string format to use for computed minimum property values. Use %s as the placeholder for the original property name, e.g. %s_min.
Max Property Template A string format to use for computed maximum property values. Use %s as the placeholder for the original property name, e.g. %s_max.