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49. Developer Guide

This section of the handbook is geared towards developers working with the SolarNode codebase to develop a plugin.

49.1 SolarNode source

The core SolarNode platform code is available on GitHub.

49.2 Getting started

See the SolarNode Development Guide to set up your own development environment for writing SolarNode plugins.

49.3 SolarNode debugging

You can enable Java remote debugging for SolarNode on a node device for SolarNode plugin development or troubleshooting by modifying the SolarNode service environment. Once enabled, you can use SSH port forwarding to enable Java remote debugging in your Java IDE of choice.

To enable Java remote debugging, copy the /etc/solarnode/env.conf.example file to /etc/solarnode/env.conf. The example already includes this support, using port 9142 for the debugging port. Then restart the solarnode service:

Creating a custom SolarNode environment with debugging support
$ cp /etc/solarnode/env.conf.example /etc/solarnode/env.conf
$ sn-restart

Then you can use ssh from your development machine to forward a local port to the node's 9142 port, and then have your favorite IDE establish a remote debugging connection on your local port.

For example, on a Linux or macOS machine you could forward port 8000 to a node's port 9142 like this:

Creating a port-forwarding SSH connection from a development machine to SolarNode
$ ssh -L8000:localhost:9142 solar@solarnode

Once that ssh connection is established, your IDE can be used to connect to localhost:8000 for a remote Java debugging session.