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43. Expressions

Many SolarNode components support a general "expressions" framework that can be used to calculate values using a scripting language. SolarNode comes with the Spel scripting language by default, so this guide describes that language.

A common use case for expressions is to derive datum property values out of the raw property values captured from a device. In the SolarNode Setup App a typical datum data source component might present a configurable list of expression settings like this:

Example expression settings

In this example, each time the data source captures a datum from the device it is communicating with it will add a new watts property by multiplying the captured amps and volts property values. In essence the expression is like this code:

watts = amps × volts

43.1 Datum Expressions

Many SolarNode expressions are evaluated in the context of a datum, typically one captured from a device SolarNode is collecting data from. In this context, the expression supports accessing datum properties directly as expression variables, and some helpful functions are provided.

43.1.1 Datum property variables

All datum properties with simple names can be referred to directly as variables. Here simple just means a name that is also a legal variable name. The property classifications do not matter in this context: the expression will look for properties in all classifications.

For example, given a datum like this:

Example datum representation in JSON
  "i": {
    "watts"     : 123
  "a": {
    "wattHours" : 987654321
  "s": {
    "mode"      : "auto"

The expression can use the variables watts, wattHours, and mode.

43.1.2 Other variables

A datum expression will also provide the following variables:

Property Type Description
datum Datum A Datum object, in case you need direct access to the functions provided there.
meta DatumMetadataOperations Get datum metadata for the current source ID.
parameters Map<String,Object> Simple map-based access to all parameters passed to the expression. The available parameters depend on the context of the expression evaluation, but often include things like placeholder values or parameters generated by previously evaluated expressions. These values are also available directly as variables, this is rarely needed but can be helpful for accessing dynamically-calculated property names or properties with names that are not legal variable names.
props Map<String,Object> Simple map based access to all properties in datum. As datum properties are also available directly as variables, this is rarely needed but can be helpful for accessing dynamically-calculated property names or properties with names that are not legal variable names.
sourceId String The source ID of the current datum.

43.1.3 Functions

Some functions are provided to help with datum-related expressions. Bit functions

The following functions help with bitwise integer manipulation operations:

Function Arguments Result Description
and(n1,n2) Number, Number Number Bitwise and, i.e. (n1 & n2)
andNot(n1,n2) Number, Number Number Bitwise and-not, i.e. (n1 & ~n2)
narrow(n,s) Number, Number Number Return n as a reduced-size but equivalent number of a minimum power-of-two byte size s
narrow8(n) Number Number Return n as a reduced-size but equivalent number narrowed to a minimum of 8-bits
narrow16(n) Number Number Return n as a reduced-size but equivalent number narrowed to a minimum of 16-bits
narrow32(n) Number Number Return n as a reduced-size but equivalent number narrowed to a minimum of 32-bits
narrow64(n) Number Number Return n as a reduced-size but equivalent number narrowed to a minimum of 64-bits
not(n) Number Number Bitwise not, i.e. (~n)
or(n1,n2) Number, Number Number Bitwise or, i.e. (n1 | n2)
shiftLeft(n,c) Number, Number Number Bitwise shift left, i.e. (n << c)
shiftRight(n,c) Number, Number Number Bitwise shift left, i.e. (n >> c)
testBit(n,i) Number, Number boolean Test if bit i is set in integer n, i.e. ((n & (1 << i)) != 0)
xor(n1,n2) Number, Number Number Bitwise xor, i.e. (n1 ^ n2)


All number arguments will be converted to BigInteger values for the bitwise operations, and BigInteger values are returned. Datum stream functions

The following functions deal with datum streams. The latest() and offset() functions give you access to recently-captured datum from any SolarNode source, so you can refer to any datum stream being generated in SolarNode. They return another datum expression root object, which means you have access to all the variables and functions documented on this page with them as well.

Function Arguments Result Description
hasLatest(source) String boolean Returns true if a datum with source ID source is available via the latest(source) function.
hasLatestMatching(pattern) String Collection<DatumExpressionRoot> Returns true if latestMatching(pattern) returns a non-empty collection.
hasLatestOtherMatching(pattern) String Collection<DatumExpressionRoot> Returns true if latestOthersMatching(pattern) returns a non-empty collection.
hasMeta() boolean Returns true if metadata for the current source ID is available.
hasMeta(source) String boolean Returns true if datumMeta(source) would return a non-null value.
hasOffset(offset) int boolean Returns true if a datum is available via the offset(offset) function.
hasOffset(source,offset) String, int boolean Returns true if a datum with source ID source is available via the offset(source,int) function.
latest(source) String DatumExpressionRoot Provides access to the latest available datum matching the given source ID, or null if not available. This is a shortcut for calling offset(source,0).
latestMatching(pattern) String Collection<DatumExpressionRoot> Return a collection of the latest available datum matching a given source ID wildcard pattern.
latestOthersMatching(pattern) String Collection<DatumExpressionRoot> Return a collection of the latest available datum matching a given source ID wildcard pattern, excluding the current datum if its source ID happens to match the pattern.
meta(source) String DatumMetadataOperations Get datum metadata for a specific source ID.
metaMatching(pattern) String Collection<DatumMetadataOperations> Find datum metadata for sources matching a given source ID wildcard pattern.
offset(offset) int DatumExpressionRoot Provides access to a datum from the same stream as the current datum, offset by offset in time, or null if not available. Offset 1 means the datum just before this datum, and so on.
offset(source,offset) String, int DatumExpressionRoot Provides access to an offset from the latest available datum matching the given source ID, or null if not available. Offset 0 represents the "latest" datum, 1 the one before that, and so on. SolarNode only maintains a limited history for each source, do do not rely on more than a few datum to be available via this method. This history is also cleared when SolarNode restarts.
selfAndLatestMatching(pattern) String Collection<DatumExpressionRoot> Return a collection of the latest available datum matching a given source ID wildcard pattern, including the current datum. The current datum will always be the first datum returned. Math functions

Expressions support basic math operators like + for addition and * for multiplication. The following functions help with other math operations:

Function Arguments Result Description
avg(collection) Collection<Number> Number Calculate the average (mean) of a collection of numbers. Useful when combined with the group(pattern) function.
ceil(n) Number Number Round a number larger, to the nearest integer.
ceil(n,significance) Number, Number Number Round a number larger, to the nearest integer multiple of significance.
down(n) Number Number Round numbers towards zero, to the nearest integer.
down(n,significance) Number, Number Number Round numbers towards zero, to the nearest integer multiple of significance.
floor(n) Number Number Round a number smaller, to the nearest integer.
floor(n,significance) Number, Number Number Round a number smaller, to the nearest integer multiple of significance.
max(collection) Collection<Number> Number Return the largest value from a set of numbers.
max(n1,n2) Number, Number Number Return the larger of two numbers.
min(collection) Collection<Number> Number Return the smallest value from a set of numbers.
min(n1,n2) Number, Number Number Return the smaler of two numbers.
mround(n,significance) Number, Number Number Round a number to the nearest integer multiple of significance.
round(n) Number Number Round a number to the nearest integer.
round(n,digits) Number, Number Number Round a number to the nearest number with digits decimal digits.
roundDown(n,digits) Number, Number Number Round a number towards zero to the nearest number with digits decimal digits.
roundUp(n,digits) Number, Number Number Round a number away from zero to the nearest number with digits decimal digits.
sum(collection) Collection<Number> Number Calculate the sum of a collection of numbers. Useful when combined with the group(pattern) function.
up(n) Number Number Round numbers away from zero, to the nearest integer.
up(n,significance) Number, Number Number Round numbers away from zero, to the nearest integer multiple of significance. Node metadata functions

All the Datum Metadata functions like metadataAtPath(path) can be invoked directly, operating on the node's own metadata instead of a datum stream's metadata. Operational functions

The following functions deal with general SolarNode operations:

Function Arguments Result Description
isOpMode(mode) String boolean Returns true if the mode operational mode is active. Property functions

The following functions help with expression properties (variables):

Function Arguments Result Description
has(name) String boolean Returns true if a property named name is defined. Can be used to prevent expression errors on datum property variables that are missing.
group(pattern) String Collection<Number> Creates a collection out of numbered properties whose name matches the given regular expression pattern.

43.2 Expression examples

Let's assume a captured datum like this, expressed as JSON:

  "i" : {
    "amps"      : 4.2,
    "volts"     : 240.0
  "a" : {
    "reading"   : 38009138
  "s" : {
    "state"     : "Ok"

Then here are some example Spel expressions and the results they would produce:

Expression Result Comment
state Ok Returns the state status property directly, which is Ok.
datum.s['state'] Ok Returns the state status property explicitly.
props['state'] Ok Same result as datum.s['state'] but using the short-cut props accessor.
amps * volts 1008.0 Returns the result of multiplying the amps and volts properties together: 4.2 × 240.0 = 1008.0.

43.2.1 Datum stream history

Building on the previous example datum, let's assume an earlier datum for the same source ID had been collected with these properties (the classifications have been omitted for brevity):

  "amps"    : 3.1,
  "volts"   : 241.0,
  "reading" : 38009130,
  "state"   : "Ok"

Then here are some example expressions and the results they would produce given the original datum example:

Expression Result Comment
hasOffset(1) true Returns true because of the earlier datum that is available.
hasOffset(2) false Returns false because only one earlier datum is available.
amps - offset(1).amps 1.1 Computes the difference between the current and previous amps properties, which is 4.2 - 3.1 = 1.1.

43.2.2 Other datum stream history

Other datum stream histories collected by SolarNode can also be accessed via the offset(source,offset) function. Let's assume SolarNode is collecting a datum stream for the source ID solar, and had amassed the following history, in newest-to-oldest order:

  {"amps" : 6.0, "volts" : 240.0 },
  {"amps" : 5.9, "volts" : 239.9 }

Then here are some example expressions and the results they would produce given the original datum example:

Expression Result Comment
hasLatest('solar') true Returns true because of a datum for source solar is available.
hasOffset('solar',2) false Returns false because only one earlier datum from the latest with source solar is available.
(amps * volts) - (latest('solar').amps * latest('solar').volts) 432.0 Computes the difference in energy between the latest solar datum and the current datum, which is (6.0 × 240.0) - (4.2 × 240.0) = 432.0.

If we add another datum stream for the source ID solar1 like this:

  {"amps" : 1.0, "volts" : 240.0 }

If we also add another datum stream for the source ID solar2 like this:

  {"amps" : 3.0, "volts" : 240.0 }

Then here are some example expressions and the results they would produce given the previous datum examples:

Expression Result Comment
sum(latestMatching('solar*').?[amps>1].![amps * volts]) 2160 Returns the sum power of the latest solar and solar2 datum. The solar1 power is omitted because its amps property is not greater than 1, so we end up with (6 * 240) + (3 * 240) = 2160.

43.3 Datum metadata

Some functions return DatumMetadataOperations objects. These objects provide metadata for things like a specific source ID on SolarNode.

43.3.1 Datum metadata properties

The properties available on datum metadata objects are:

Property Type Description
empty boolean Is true if the metadata does not contain any values.
info Map<String,Object> Simple map based access to the general metadata (e.g. the keys of the m metadata map).
infoKeys Set<String> The set of general metadata keys available (e.g. the keys of the m metadata map).
propertyInfoKeys Set<String> The set of property metadata keys available (e.g. the keys of the pm metadata map).
tags Set<String> A set of tags associated with the metadata.

43.3.2 Datum metadata general info functions

The following functions available on datum metadata objects support access to the general metadata (e.g. the m metadata map):

Function Arguments Result Description
getInfo(key) String Object Get the general metadata value for a specific key.
getInfoNumber(key) String Number Get a general metadata value for a specific key as a Number. Other more specific number value functions are also available such as getInfoInteger(key) or getInfoBigDecimal(key).
getInfoString(key) String String Get a general metadata value for a specific key as a String.
hasInfo(key) String boolean Returns true if a non-null general metadata value exists for the given key.

43.3.3 Datum metadata property info functions

The following functions available on datum metadata objects support access to the property metadata (e.g. the pm metadata map):

Function Arguments Result Description
getPropertyInfo(prop) String Map<String,Object> Get the property metadata for a specific property.
getInfoNumber(prop,key) String, String Number Get a property metadata value for a specific property and key as a Number. Other more specific number value functions are also available such as getInfoInteger(prop,key) or getInfoBigDecimal(prop,key).
getInfoString(prop,key) String, String String Get a property metadata value for a specific property and key as a String.
hasInfo(prop,key) String, String String Returns true if a non-null property metadata value exists for the given property and key.

43.3.4 Datum metadata global functions

The following functions available on datum metadata objects support access to both general and property metadata:

Function Arguments Result Description
differsFrom(metadata) DatumMetadataOperations boolean Returns true if the given metadata has any different values than the receiver.
hasTag(tag) String boolean Returns true if the given tag is available.
metadataAtPath(path) String Object Get the metadata value at a metadata key path.
hasMetadataAtPath(path) String boolean Returns true if metadataAtPath(path) would return a non-null value.