
Nifty ToU (Time of Use)

Nifty ToU is a delightful little JavaScript library for working with time-of-use based tariffs. It aims to be easy to use, reliable, and without any external dependencies.

A central class in Nifty ToU is TemporalRangesTariff, that defines a set of tariff values with a set of time-based constraints. The implication is that the tariff values apply only when all the time-based constraints are valid.

The time-based constraints are encoded as IntRange objects, that are integer ranges with minimum and maximum values that define the bounds of the constraint. The supported time-based constraints are:

Constraint Example Bounds
month range January - March 1 - 12 (January - December, inclusive)
day of month range 1 - 31 1 - 31 (inclusive)
day of week range Monday - Friday 1 - 7 (Monday - Sunday, inclusive)
minute of day range 00:00 - 08:30 0 - 1440 (inclusive minimum, exclusive maximum)

Here are some example uses:

// a tariff that applies in the morning of any day of the year
const tt = new TemporalRangesTariff(
new IntRange(0, 720), // midnight - noon
new TariffRate("Morning Fixed", 1.25),
new TariffRate("Morning Variable", 0.1),

tt.appliesAt(new Date("2024-01-05T01:00")); // true, in the morning
tt.appliesAt(new Date("2024-01-05T13:00")); // false, in the afternoon

Tariff schedules

The TemporalRangesTariffSchedule class defines a schedule, or collection of date-based tariff rules that allows you resolve a set of tariff rates for a given date. For example, imagine we add another tariff to the previous example, and then resolve the rates for a date:

// a tariff that applies after noon of any day of the year
const tt2 = new TemporalRangesTariff(
new IntRange(720, 1440), // noon - midnight
[new TariffRate("Afternoon Fixed", 2.34)]

// create a scheule with our two tariff rules
const schedule = new TemporalRangesTariffSchedule([tt, tt2]);

// resolve the rates that apply on a morning date (8 AM)
const rates = schedule.resolve(new Date("2024-01-05T08:00"));

// rates like:
"Morning Fixed": {amount: 1.25},
"Morning Variable": {amount: 0.10}

Multiple rules matching

By default, a schedule will resolve the rates for the first available tariff matching a given date. You can turn on multiple match mode by passing an additional true argument to the constructor. For example, imagine we add another tariff to the previous examples, and then resolve the rates for a date:

// a tariff that applies after noon of any day of the year
const tt3 = new TemporalRangesTariff(
[new TariffRate("Any Time", 3.45)]

// create a scheule with our three tariff rules, allowing mutiple matches
const schedule = new TemporalRangesTariffSchedule([tt, tt2, tt3], true);

// resolve the rates that apply on a morning date (8 AM)
const rates = schedule.resolve(new Date("2024-01-05T08:00"));

// rates like:
"Morning Fixed": {amount: 1.25},
"Morning Variable": {amount: 0.10},
"All Time": {amount: 3.45}

Year-based tariff schedules

If you would like to model a tariff schedule with rules that change over the time, the YearTemporalRangesTariffSchedule class extends the TemporalRangesTariffSchedule with support for year-based rules. For example, imagine a tariff schedule like this:

Year Months Days Weekdays Hours Name Rate
2023 * * * 0-12 AM 1.23
2023 * * * 12-24 PM 2.34
2022 * * * 0-12 AM 1.12
2022 * * * 12-24 PM 2.23
2000 * * * 0-12 AM 0.12
2000 * * * 12-24 PM 0.23

You can model this schedule like this:

// define the schedule rules with year constraints
const rules = [
[new TariffRate("AM", 1.23)]
[new TariffRate("AM", 2.34)]
[new TariffRate("AM", 1.12)]
[new TariffRate("AM", 2.23)]
[new TariffRate("AM", 0.12)]
[new TariffRate("AM", 0.23)]

// define the schedule, with the `yearExtend` option set
const s = new YearTemporalRangesTariffSchedule(rules, {
yearExtend: true, // allow "gap fill" year matching

// exact match rules
s.resolve(new Date("2023-01-01T08:00")) === { AM: 1.23 };
s.resolve(new Date("2022-01-01T08:00")) === { AM: 1.12 };
s.resolve(new Date("2000-01-01T08:00")) === { AM: 0.12 };

// gap-fill match a future date, based on previously avaialble year rule
s.resolve(new Date("2050-01-01T08:00")) === { AM: 1.23 }; // 2023 rule

// gap-fill match inbetween year rules, based on previously avaialble year
s.resolve(new Date("2010-01-01T08:00")) === { AM: 1.12 }; // 2000 rule

Integer amounts

The TariffRate class can be constructed with an exponent property to avoid floating-point values if desired. For example:

// these floating point rates:
new TariffRate("Morning Fixed", 1.25);
new TariffRate("Morning Variable", 0.1);

// could be expressed in integer form:
new TariffRate("Morning Fixed", 125, -2);
new TariffRate("Morning Variable", 1, -1);

Language support

Nifty ToU supports parsing text-based range values, in different languages. For example the following produce the same range constraints and rate values (only the rate names remain language specific):

// US English
const tt = TemporalRangesTariff.parse(
"Jan - Dec",
"1 - 31",
"Mon - Fri",
"0 - 24",
[TariffRate.parse("en-US", "Morning Fixed", "1.23")]
new IntRange(1, 3)
) === "Jan - Mar";

// German
const tt = TemporalRangesTariff.parse(
"Januar - Dezember",
"1 - 31",
"Montag - Freitag",
"00:00 - 24:00",
[TariffRate.parse("de", "Morgen behoben", "1,23")]
new IntRange(1, 3)
) === "Jan - Mär";

// Japanese
const tt = TemporalRangesTariff.parse(
[TariffRate.parse("ja-JP", "固定価格(午前中)", "1.23")]
new IntRange(1, 3)
) === "1月~3月";

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