Mixin: NodeDatumUrlHelperMixin

net~ NodeDatumUrlHelperMixin

A mixin class that adds SolarNode datum query support to module:net~UrlHelper.


availableSourcesUrl( [nodeId] [, metadataFilter])

Generate a URL for finding the available source IDs for a node or metadata filter.

Name Type Argument Description
nodeId number | Array.<number> <optional>

a specific node ID, or array of node IDs, to use; if not provided the nodeIds property of this class will be used, unless null is passed in which case no node IDs will be added to the URL

metadataFilter string <optional>

the LDAP-style metadata filter


the URL


reportableIntervalUrl( [nodeId] [, sourceIds])

Generate a URL for the "reportable interval" for a node, optionally limited to a specific set of source IDs.

If no source IDs are provided, then the reportable interval query will return an interval for all available sources.

Name Type Argument Description
nodeId number <optional>

a specific node ID to use; if not provided the nodeId property of this class will be used

sourceIds Array.<string> <optional>

an array of source IDs to limit query to; if not provided the sourceIds property of this class will be used


the URL
