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17. Host Aliases

The Host Aliases page allows you to manage local DNS host name IP address mappings, or aliases. This can be useful if you would like to assign a friendly name to a local device, so you can use the friendly name in settings.

SolarNode Host Aliases screen

For example you might have a TCP/IP Modbus meter you want to integrate with. You could give the meter's IP address a friendly name like my-meter and then configure a Modbus TCP/IP connection using that name, rather than its IP address. If the meter's IP address changes later on, then you just need to update the host alias.

17.1 Add a host alias

To add a new host alias, click the Add host alias button. You will be prompted to provide the name and the IP address for the new alias.

17.2 Remove a host alias

Click on any host alias name and you will be prompted to remove that alias.

17.3 Update a host alias

To change the IP address for an existing alias, remove that alias and then add it again with the new IP address.