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24. Profile

The profile menu in the top-right of the Setup App menu give you access to change you password, change you username, logout, restart, and reset SolarNode.


Your SolarNode credentials are not related, or tied to, your SolarNetwork login credentials. Changing your SolarNode username or password does not change your SolarNetwork credentials.

SolarNode profile drop-down menu

The profile menu in SolarNode

24.1 Change Password

Choosing the Change Password menu item will take you to a form for changing your password. Fill in your current password and then your new password, then click the Submit Password button.

SolarNode profile change password form

The Change Password form

As a result, you will stay on the same page, but a success (or error) message will be shown above the form:

SolarNode profile change password result

24.2 Change Username

Choosing the Change Username menu item will take you to a form for changing your SolarNode username. Fill in your current password and then your new password, then click the Change Username button.

SolarNode profile change username form

The Change Username form

As a result, you will stay on the same page, but a success (or error) message will be shown above the form:

SolarNode profile change username result

24.3 Logout

Choosing the Logout menu item will immediately end your SolarNode session and log you out. You will ned to log in again to use the Setup App further.

24.4 Restart

You can either restart or reboot SolarNode from the Restart SolarNode menu. A restart means the SolarNode app will restart, while a reboot means the entire SolarNodeOS device will shut down and boot up again (restarting SolarNode along the way).

You might need to restart SolarNode to pick up new plugins you've installed, and you might need to reboot SolarNode if you've attached new sensors or other devices that require operating system support.

Restart SolarNode dialog

The Restart SolarNode menu brings up this dialog.

24.5 Reset

You can perform a "factory reset" of SolarNode to remove all your custom settings, certificate, login credentials, and so on. You also have the option to preserve some SolarNodeOS settings like WiFi credentials if you like.

Reset SolarNode dialog

The Reset SolarNode menu brings up this dialog.