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49. MetricsΒΆ

SolarNode supports collecting and storing timestamped, named data point values locally in SolarNode. You might describe a metric like the power output of a solar inverter at noon on 2024-07-18. Metrics are not uploaded to SolarNetwork: they are specific to each node and can be used by plugins to monitor data points over time.

A metric in SolarNode has this basic structure:

Property Example Description
timestamp 2024-07-18 19:48:50.003767Z The date the metric was created.
type s A classifier. The s type represents a raw "sample". Other types can be used to represent other metric types, such as computed aggregation values.
name gridPrice An arbitrary name for the metric. Typically these should be concise and use an expression-friendly syntax of just letters, numbers, and underscores.
value 123.4 The metric numeric value, as a 64-bit floating-point number.

See the Metric Harvester filter as a way of collecting metrics from datum generated by Datum Source plugins. The Metrics page in the SolarNode UI offers a way to monitor metric collection.