27. Filter Chain¶
The Datum Filter Chain is a User Datum Filter that you configure with a list, or chain, of other User Datum Filters. When the Filter Chain executes, it executes each of the configured Datum Filters, in the order defined. This filter can be used like any other Datum Filter, allowing multiple filters to be applied in a defined order.
Some services support configuring only a single Datum Filter setting. You can use a Filter Chain to apply multiple filters in those services.
27.1 Settings¶
Each filter configuration contains the following overall settings:
Setting | Description |
Available Filters | A read-only list of Service Name values of User Datum Filter components that have been configured. You can copy any value from this list and paste it into the Datum Filters list to include that filter in the chain. |
Service Name | A unique ID for the filter, to be referenced by other components. |
Service Group | An optional service group name to assign. |
Required Mode | If configured, an operational mode that must be active for this filter to be applied. |
Required Tag | Only apply the filter on datum with the given tag. A tag may be prefixed with ! to invert the logic so that the filter only applies to datum without the given tag. Multiple tags can be defined using a , delimiter, in which case at least one of the configured tags must match to apply the filter. |
Datum Filters | The list of Service Name values of User Datum Filter components to apply to datum. |