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25. Datum

In SolarNetwork a datum is the fundamental time-stamped data structure collected by SolarNodes and stored in SolarNet. It is a collection of properties associated with a specific information source at a specific time.

Example plain language description of a datum

the temperature and humidity collected from my weather station at 1 Jan 2023 11:00 UTC

In this example datum description, we have all the comopnents of a datum:

Datum component Description
node the (implied) node that collected the data
properties temperature and humidity
source my weather station
time 1 Jan 2023 11:00 UTC

A datum stream is the collection of datum from a single node for a single source over time.

A datum object is modeled as a flexible structure with the following core elements:

Element Type Description
nodeId number A unique ID assigned to nodes by SolarNetwork.
sourceId string A node-unique identifier that defines a single stream of data from a specific source, up to 64 characters long. Certain characters are not allowed, see below.
created date A time stamp of when the datum was collected, or the date the datum is associated with.
samples datum samples The collected properties.

A datum is uniquely identified by the three combined properties (nodeId, sourceId, created).

25.1 Datum source IDs

Source IDs are user-defined strings used to distinguish between different information sources within a single node. For example, a node might collect data from an energy meter on source ID Meter and a solar inverter on Solar. SolarNetwork does not place any restrictions on source ID values, other than a 64-character limit. However, there is are some conventions used within SolarNetwork that are useful to follow, especially for larger deployment of nodes with many source IDs:

  • Keep IDs as short as, for example Meter1 is better than Schneider ION6200 Meter - Main Building.
  • Use a path-like structure to encode a logical hierarchy, in least specific to most specific order. For example /S1/B1/M1 could imply the first meter in the first building on the first site.
  • The + and # characters should not be used. This is actually a constraint in the MQTT protocol used in parts of SolarNetwork, where the MQTT topic name includes the source ID. These characters are MQTT topic filter wildcards, and cannot be used in topic names.
  • Avoid using wildcard special characters.

The path-like structure becomes useful in places where wildcard patterns are used, like security policies or datum queries. It is generally worthwhile spending some time planning on a source ID taxonomy to use when starting a new project with SolarNetwork.

25.2 Datum samples

The properties included in a datum object are known as datum samples. The samples are modeled as a collection of named properties, for example the temperature and humidity properties in the earlier example datum could be represented like this:

Example representation of datum samples from a weather station source
    "temperature" : 21.5,
    "humidity"    : 68

Another datum samples acquired from a power meter might look like this:

Example representation of datum samples from a power meter source
    "watts"     : 2150,
    "wattHours" : 6834834349,
    "mode"      : "auto"

25.3 Datum property classifications

The datum samples are actually further organized into three classifications:

Classification Key Description
instantaneous i a single reading, observation, or measurement that does not accumulate over time
accumulating a a reading that accumulates over time, like a meter or odometer
status s non-numeric data, like staus codes or error messages

These classifications help SolarNetwork understand how to aggregate the datum samples over time. When SolarNode uploads a datum to SolarNetwork, the sample will include the classification of each property. The previous example would thus more accurately be represented like this:

Example representation of datum samples with classifications
  "i": {
    "watts"     : 2150 // (1)!
  "a": {
    "wattHours" : 6834834349 // (2)!
  "s": {
    "mode"      : "auto" // (3)!
  1. watts is an instantaneous measurement of power that does not accumulate
  2. wattHours is an accumulating measurement of the accrual of energy over time
  3. mode is a status message that is not a number


Sometimes these classifications will be hidden from you. For example SolarNetwork hides them when returning datum data from some SolarNetwork API methods. You might come across them in some SolarNode plugins that allow configuring dynamic sample properties to collect, when SolarNode does not implicitly know which classification to use. Some SolarNetwork APIs do return or require fully classified sample objects; the documentation for those services will make that clear.