The SolarUser API URL helper.



  • Constructor.


    • Optional environment: HostConfigInfo

      the optional initial environment to use; if a non-Environment object is passed then the properties of that object will be used to construct a new Environment instance

    Returns SolarUserApi


The network environment (host, port, and so on).

#parameters: Configuration

Parameters for URL variables.


  • get parameters(): Configuration
  • Get a parameters object that can be used to hold URL variables.

    Returns Configuration


  • Parameters

    • exec: boolean
    • topic: string
    • Optional parameters: InstructionParameter[]
    • Optional nodeIds: number | number[]

    Returns string

  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • Optional userId: number

    Returns string

  • Generate a URL for adding user metadata via a POST request.


    • Optional userId: number

      a specific user ID; if not provided the userId parameter of this class will be used; if no userId parameter is available then view metadata of the requesting user

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Get the base URL to the REST API.

    Returns string

    the base URL to the REST API

  • Get a new configured with parameters of this instance.

    This will look for the following parameters:

    • nodeIds
    • sourceIds

    Returns DatumFilter

    the filter

  • Generate a URL for deleting a DatumAuxiliaryType via a DELETE request.

    The Net.SolarUserApi#userDatumAuxiliaryIdUrl method is used to generate the URL.


    • type: DatumAuxiliaryType

      the datum auxiliary type

    • nodeId: number

      the node ID

    • date: Date

      a date

    • sourceId: string

      the source ID

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL for deleting user metadata via a DELETE request.


    • Optional userId: number

      a specific user ID; if not provided the userId parameter of this class will be used; if no userId parameter is available then view metadata of the requesting user

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Get or set an environment parameter.

    This is a shortcut for calling Util.Configuration#value on the environment object.


    • key: string

      the environment parameter name to get

    Returns any

    when called as a getter, the environment parameter value; when called as a setter, the environment object

  • Parameters

    • key: string
    • newValue: any

    Returns EnvironmentConfig & HostConfig

  • Generate a URL for posting an instruction execution request.


    • topic: string

      the instruction topic

    • Optional parameters: InstructionParameter[]

      an array of parameter objects

    • Optional nodeIds: number | number[]

      the specific node ID(s) to use; if not provided the nodeIds parameter of this class will be used

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL for viewing the configured user's metadata via a GET request.


    Returns string

    the URL

  • Get a URL for just the SolarNet host, without any path to be used for actual requests.

    Calls the toRequestUrl() with hostUrl() as the argument.

    Returns string

    the URL to make reqeusts to the SolarNet host

  • Get a URL for just the SolarNet host, without any path.

    This method constructs an absolute URL based on the following properties configured on this instance's Net.Environment:

    1. If environment.useTls() returns true then use HTTPS as the protocol, otherwise HTTP.
    2. Use host for the host name or IP address.
    3. Use port for the port if available and not the standard 443 for HTTPS or 80 for HTTP.

    Returns string

    the URL to the SolarNet host

  • Get a URL for just the SolarNet host using the WebSocket protocol, without any path.

    This method constructs an absolute URL based on the following properties configured on this instance's Net.Environment:

    1. If environment.useTls() returns true then use WSS as the protocol, otherwise WS.
    2. Use host for the host name or IP address.
    3. Use port for the port if available and not the standard 443 for WSS or 80 for WS.

    Returns string

    the URL to the SolarNet host WebSocket

  • Generate a URL for viewing the configured user's metadata via a GET request.


    Returns string

    the URL

  • Get a parameter, with plural suffix array support.

    This method will first look for a parameter named exactly key, and if found return that. Otherwise it will look for an array parameter named key with s appended, and if found return the first element from that array. For example:

    const helper = new UrlHelper();
    helper.parameter('nodeIds', [1, 2, 3]);

    helper.param('nodeIds'); // [1, 2, 3]
    helper.param('nodeId'); // 1

    If key already ends in s, then a desired array result is assumed. If a value is not found for the parameter, then s is removed from key and that parameter value is returned, as an array if it is not already. For example:

    const helper = new UrlHelper();
    helper.parameter('nodeId', 1);

    helper.param('nodeIds'); // [1]
    helper.param('nodeId'); // 1

    Type Parameters

    • T

      the expected type


    • key: string

      the parameter name to get

    Returns undefined | T

    the parameter value

  • Get or set a parameter.

    This is a shortcut for calling Util.Configuration#value on the parameters object.


    • key: string

      the parameter name to get

    Returns any

    when called as a getter, the parameter value; when called as a setter, the parameters object

  • Parameters

    • key: string
    • newValue: any

    Returns Configuration

  • Create a queue instruction request object, suitable for submitting as JSON content.


    • Optional topic: string

      the topic to include (can be omitted if the topic is included in the request URL)

    • Optional parameters: InstructionParameter[]

      the parameter to include

    • Optional nodeId: number

      the specific node ID to use; if not provided the nodeId parameter of this class will be used

    • Optional executionDate: Date

      a deferred execution date; this will be encoded as a executionDate parameter as an ISO 8601 timestamp value

    Returns QueueInstructionRequest | QueueInstructionSimpleRequest

    the request, encoded as a Net.QueueInstructionSimpleRequest if possible

  • Generate a URL for posting an instruction request.


    • topic: string

      the instruction topic

    • Optional parameters: InstructionParameter[]

      an array of parameter objects

    • Optional nodeId: number

      the specific node ID to use; if not provided the nodeId parameter of this class will be used

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL for posting instruction requests for multiple nodes.


    • topic: string

      the instruction topic

    • Optional parameters: InstructionParameter[]

      an array of parameter objects

    • Optional nodeIds: number[]

      a list of node IDs to use; if not provided the nodeIds parameter of this class will be used

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL to refresh the signing key of an authentication token.

    Note this method only works against the /sec version of the API endpoint.


    • Optional date: Date

      the signing date to use, or null for the current date

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL for replacing user metadata via a PUT request.


    • Optional userId: number

      a specific user ID; if not provided the userId parameter of this class will be used; if no userId parameter is available then view metadata of the requesting user

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Replace occurances of URL template variables with values from the parameters property and append to the host URL.

    This method provides a way to resolve an absolute URL based on the configured environment and parameters on this object.


    • template: string

      a URL path template

    Returns string

    an absolute URL

  • Replace occurances of URL template variables with values from the parameters property.

    URL template variables are specified as {<em>name</em>}. The variable will be replaced by the value associated with property name in the parameters object. The value will be URI encoded.


    • template: string

      a URL template

    Returns string

    the URL with template variables resolved

  • Generate a URL for storing a DatumAuxiliaryType via a POST request.

    The module:net~UserDatumAuxiliaryUrlHelperMixin#userDatumAuxiliaryIdUrl method is used to generate the URL.


    • type: DatumAuxiliaryType

      the datum auxiliary type

    • nodeId: number

      the node ID

    • date: Date

      a date

    • sourceId: string

      the source ID

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Get the URL to actually request, incorporating the environment's proxyUrlPrefix if available.

    If a environment.proxyUrlPrefix value is configured, this will re-write the URL to use that host prefix, otherwise url will be returned unchanged.


    • url: string

    Returns string

    the URL to make reqeusts to the SolarNet host

  • Generate a URL for changing the state of an instruction.


    • instructionId: number

      the instruction ID to update

    • state: InstructionState

      the instruction state to set

    Returns string

    the URL


    the Domain.InstructionStates enum for possible state values

  • Generate a URL to update the archived status of a set of nodes via a POST request.


    • archived: boolean

      true to mark the nodes as archived; false to un-mark and return to normal status

    • Optional nodeId: number | number[]

      a specific node ID, or array of node IDs, to update; if not provided the nodeIds property of this class will be used

    Returns string

    the URL to update the nodes archived status

  • Generate a URL for accessing a specific DatumAuxiliaryType by its primary key, using query parameters for id components.


    • type: DatumAuxiliaryType

      the datum auxiliary type

    • nodeId: number

      the node ID

    • date: Date

      a date

    • sourceId: string

      the source ID

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL for accessing a specific DatumAuxiliaryType by its primary key.

    If sourceId contains any / characters, then Net.SolarUserApi#userDatumAuxiliaryIdQueryUrl will be invoked instead.


    • type: DatumAuxiliaryType

      the datum auxiliary type

    • nodeId: number

      the node ID

    • date: Date

      a date

    • sourceId: string

      the source ID

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL for viewing active instructions.


    • Optional nodeId: number

      a specific node ID to use; if not provided the nodeId parameter of this instance will be used

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL to get a list of all archived nodes for the user account.

    Returns string

    the URL to access the user's archived nodes

  • Generate a URL to get all details for a specific instruction.


    • instructionId: number

      the instruction ID to get

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL to get a list of all active nodes for the user account.

    Returns string

    the URL to access the user's active nodes

  • Generate a URL for viewing pending instructions.


    • Optional nodeId: number

      a specific node ID to use; if not provided the nodeId parameter of this instance will be used

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL to get a list of all pending nodes for the user account.

    Returns string

    the URL to access the user's pending nodes

  • Generate a URL for viewing a DatumAuxiliaryType via a GET request.

    The Net.SolarUserApi#userDatumAuxiliaryIdUrl method is used to generate the URL.


    • type: DatumAuxiliaryType

      the datum auxiliary type

    • nodeId: number

      the node ID

    • date: Date

      a date

    • sourceId: string

      the source ID

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL for viewing a specific user's metadata via a GET request.


    • Optional userId: number

      a specific user ID; if not provided the userId parameter of this class will be used; if no userId parameter is available then view metadata of the requesting user

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate a URL to get information about the requesting authenticated user.

    Returns string

    the URL to view information about the authenticated user

  • Test if a list of instructions can be encoded as a Net.QueueInstructionSimpleRequest object.


    Returns boolean

    true if a QueueInstructionSimpleRequest can be used to encode the instruction parameters

  • Replace occurances of URL template variables with values from a parameter object.

    URL template variables are specified as {<em>name</em>}. The variable will be replaced by the value associated with property name in the provided parameter object. The value will be URI encoded.

    Any occurances of // after replacing template variables will be reduced to /.


    • template: string

      a URL template

    • params: Record<string, any>

      an object whose properties should serve as template variables

    Returns string

    the URL

  • Generate URL encoded query string for posting instruction parameters.


    Returns string

    the URL encoded query string, or an empty string if parameters is empty

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