
News » SolarNode digital IO counting virtual meter

Recently we came across a project needing to track a counter from a proximity sensor that was connected as a digital IO on a SolarNode. The proximity sensor was reading a bit of machinery that operated in cycles, and the goal was to count the number of cycles witnessed. The sensor would normally read as 0, then switch to 1 when activated and stay there for several seconds, then go back to 0 when the cycle completed. To complicate the matter slightly, if the cycle started but then completed too quickly, it was not to be counted as a valid cycle.

We can visualise the desired outcome in a table, showing the proximity sensor value over time with the desired output count:

Time (mm:ss) Sensor Value Output Count Description
00:00 0 0 Starting with the sensor “off”
00:02 0 0 Another reading, still “off” so the count does not change.
00:04 1 0 The sensor changed to “on”! The output count does not change yet.
00:06 1 0 Another reading, still “on” so nothing changes still.
00:08 0 1 The sensor changed back to “off” for a full cycle: the count goes up.
00:10 0 1 Still “off” so no additional change.
00:12 1 1 Back to “on” so we’ve started another cycle…
00:14 0 1 Back to “off” too quickly: don’t count as a full cycle.

We could write a new plugin to implement this counting logic, but we also realised that the existing Virtual Meter Datum Filter was flexible enough to accomplish what we needed:

This blog post describes how we used the Virtual Meter Datum Filter to generate a count of complete proximity sensor cycles, describing all the components used to both integrate with the GPIO device being used and implement the cycle-counting virtual meter.

GPIO serial port

We start with the GPIO integration with SolarNode. This project used a simple serial USB-based GPIO device made by Numato. The first step, is to configure a Serial port component for the /dev/ttyAMA0 USB serial device SolarNodeOS provides when the Numato device is connected:

Serial port settings

Some of those serial port settings are required by the Numato device to work property with SolarNode. The Service Name is configured as GPIO Serial Port which we’ll see referred to later on.

GPIO control

SolarNode supports integrating with Numato USB GPIO device via the Numato USB GPIO Control plugin. This plugin is used to expose any of the device’s GPIO connections as a SolarNode Control, so the GPIO state can be read or written to. We have to configure the Serial Port component name, set previously as GPIO Serial Port, and we give the control the ID /GPIO/1. The Numato device sports 8 GPIO connections, and the proximity sensor is connected to GPIO #7. We configure a status property named binTip_s for the control property name.

Numato GPIO Control settings

GPIO control datum stream

The Numato USB GPIO device must be polled to read the GPIO value, so to turn the control value into a time-based datum stream we configure a Control Datum Source to read the GPIO state every 500ms.

GPIO Control Datum Source settings

Once this has been configured, SolarNode will start generating a datum stream using the control ID /GPIO/1 as the datum source ID. Each datum will have a single binTip_s status property with a 0 or 1 value.

Proximity sensor cycle counting virtual meter

Finally we are ready to configure the Virtual Meter Datum Filter component that will insert a proximity cycle counting binTip_a accumulating property into the /GPIO/1 datum stream. The Service Name is configured as GPIO Virtual Meter which will need to be referred to by the Datum Queue Datum Filter setting, either directly or via an indirect Filter Chain. The important settings for this Virtual Meter are:

Setting Value Description
Source ID /GPIO/1 The source ID to apply the virtual meter filter to.
Property binTip_s The input property to the virtual meter.
Reading Property binTip_a The name of the generated accumulating counter property.
Time Unit Seconds Using seconds means the timeUnits parameter available in our expression will be expressed in seconds.
Track Only On Change On This is enabled so our expression is only evaluated when the binTip_s input property changes.

The expression settings that go along with this are:

Setting Value Description
Property binTip_a Must match the output property we want to apply the expression to.
Property Type Accumulating Must be accumulating for the meter output value.
Expression See below for details.  

Cycle counting virtual meter expression

The expression used to calculate the binTip_a accumulating property is designed to deal with input readings of 0 or 1, where the desire is to count the number of toggles from 0 → 1 → 0 that take more than 5s to complete. The expression relies on the Track Only On Change setting to be active. That means the prevInput value is always the last changed input value, not necessarily the previously seen input value!

To help deal with various edge cases where SolarNode might start up or shut down in the middle of a cycle, the idea of partially advancing the meter a fractional amount is used, with rounding then used to either advance or rollback the meter to nice whole numbers. Using the sensor reading example table from before, the actual output of this meter would be:

Time (mm:ss) Sensor Value Output Count Description
00:00 0 0 Starting with the sensor “off”
00:02 0 0 Another reading, still “off” so the count does not change.
00:04 1 0.1 The sensor changed to “on”! The output count partially advances.
00:06 1 0.1 Another reading, still “on” so nothing changes here.
00:08 0 1 The sensor changed back to “off” for a full cycle: the count rounds up.
00:10 0 1 Still “off” so no additional change.
00:12 1 1.1 Back to “on” so we’ve started another cycle…
00:14 0 1 Back to “off” too quickly: revert by rounding down.

The expression logic can be boiled down to these rules:

  1. If the input is the same as the last CHANGE, do nothing.
  2. If the input has changed to 1, add 0.1.
  3. If the input has changed and the last CHANGE is a whole number, add 0.1.
  4. If the time since the last CHANGE is less than 5s, round the reading DOWN to a whole number, otherwise round the reading UP.

These rules have these general effects:

The expression can be translated into the following pseudo code:

 IF ( input has not changed ) THEN
    reading does not change
 ELSE IF ( input is 1 OR reading is a whole number ) THEN
    add 0.1 to reading
 ELSE IF ( time since last change is less than 5s ) THEN
    round reading down
    round meter up

The actual expression (in SolarNode this is written in the Spring Expression Language) is the following:

currInput == prevInput 
  ? prevReading                              // reading has not changed
  : currInput > 0 || prevReading.stripTrailingZeros().scale() <= 0 
    ? prevReading + 0.1                      // reading went to 1
    : prevReading.setScale(0, timeUnits < 5  // timeUnits is in seconds 
      ? T(java.math.RoundingMode).DOWN       // too quick, round down
      : T(java.math.RoundingMode).UP)        // valid cycle, round up

GPIO Control Datum Source settings


This post packs in a lot of information and hopefully shows how flexible SolarNode can be with handling data from sensors and performing some local calculations to help derive useful information from the data being collected.