
News » MQTT stream datum

The previous post talked about some efficiency gains SolarNetwork enjoys by supporting MQTT 5. We’ve achieved even more efficiency gains now by supporting a new datum format in SolarIn/MQTT that can significantly reduce the size of datum messages. We call the datum format stream datum because of how it utilises the same format used internally by SolarNetwork to store datum streams, as outlined in an earlier blog post.

General datum format

The way SolarNodes have posted datum to SolarNetwork up to now has been to use JSON (or CBOR) to encoded all the datum properties. SolarNetwork does not have a fixed schema so this format includes all the property names as well as their associated values. Here’s an example of a datum, expressed in JSON:

  "sourceId": "OS Stats",
  "created": 1623110379000,
  "i": {

Stream datum format

Since SolarNetwork actually separates the property names out of each datum into datum stream metadata before storing just the property values in the datum stream, we’ve added an API to SolarIn so SolarNode can use the stream metadata to upload stream datum objects, which omit datum property names, shaving off a sometimes significant number of bytes from each datum message.

Here’s an example of a stream datum version of the same general datum from the previous section, expressed in JSON:


A property-heavy datum message like this can easily reduce the encoded message size by 80%. Over the life of a typical datum stream this can quickly add up to significant savings.

Ecogy Energy This feature was developed with support from our friends at Ecogy Energy.