
News » Node event hooks API added

SolarUser has a new set of REST endpoints under /user/event/node that are designed to support configuring “hooks” into external applications based on node-related events happening in SolarNetwork. This feature is essentially “push notifications” for SolarNetwork.

SolarUser node event hook UI


To start there is one event that can be hooked into: aggregate processing. When SolarNetwork computes an aggregate datum an event is generated that you can configure a hook for. This can be useful when you have an application that wants to derive some data out of the aggregate data in SolarNetwork and keep it synchronized and up-to-date with what’s in SolarNetwork.

For example, you might have an application that calculates the hourly cost associated with an energy datum source. Using this new hook API, your application can be called each time SolarNetwork computes the hourly energy value for that source. Your application could even store its result back in SolarNetwork, making a new datum source derived out of the original one!


To start there is one supported hook service: publishing the event to AWS Simple Queue Service (SQS). See the SQS service documentation for details on how it can be configured.

More to come!

We’ve laid the groundwork so we can easily add more event types and more hook services in the future. Got an idea for your own hook? Reach out to us at to see how we could help make it happen!

Ecogy Energy This feature was developed with support from our friends at Ecogy Energy.