
News » SolarFlux — real-time SolarNode data via MQTT

SolarNetwork has a new feature that provides access to SolarNode data in real-time, which we are calling SolarFlux. The system allows applications to access the real-time data via the MQTT publish/subscribe protocol. This is an opt-in feature on SolarNode, provided by a new SolarFlux Upload Service plugin. Once this plugin is deployed on a node, the node will publish real-time data to the SolarFlux system. At that point, any application can connect to SolarFlux using MQTT over a WebSocket (so it works from a browser) and subscribe to data topics to receive real-time updates.

See the SolarFlux wiki docs for more information.


We’ve put together a simple demo application to show how it works. This is a web application that shows how you can use JavaScript to connect to SolarFlux and show real-time data published by any nodes you have authorization to.

SolarFlux demo application screen shot